Mid-term Graduation Research Presentation

Jul 27, 2017 22:24
Today, a mid-term graduation research presentation (poster presentation) of senior students was held in my university.

I was very busy because I had to prepare and manage the venue, collect and arrange Fast Forward (1 minute presentations for posters), and go out for giving a class several times.

Yesterday, I was working until midnight, and finally stayed at my university.

It was a very difficult day, but the presentation went very well, so I'm satisfied.

However, although there were many interesting posters, I could check only some of them because of my class.

I have a regret only about that.






No. 1 Sharu's correction
  • I was very busy because I had to prepare and manage the venue, collect and arrange Fast Forward (1 minute presentations for posters), and go out for giving a class several times.
  • I was very busy because I had to prepare and manage the venue, collect and arrange Fast Forward (1 minute presentations for posters), and go out for giving a classecture several times.
     I think 'taking a class' is also used as日常の会話 but it can also mean as attending a class.
  • Yesterday, I was working until midnight, and finally stayed at my university.
  • Yesterday, I was working until midnight, and finally stayed at my university.
     .. eventually ended up staying at the university
  • However, although there were many interesting posters, I could check only some of them because of my class.
  • However, aAlthough there were many interesting posters, I could check only some of them because of my class.
  • I have a regret only about that.
  • I have a regret only about that.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
And thank you for your kind comment :)
No. 2 クライド's correction
  • Today, a mid-term graduation research presentation (poster presentation) of senior students was held in my university.
  • Today, a mid-term graduation research presentation (poster presentation) by the senior students was held at my university.
  • It was a very difficult day, but the presentation went very well, so I'm satisfied.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Great job kanotown!! I hope you get to see all the posters! :D
Thank you so much for the correction, クライド-san! (^^)